Usurp Zone5 Film Festival

16 August Screenings

7.30pm to 9.30pm (inc. intervals). Screenings in running order.

Dogged – Jo Shaw | 8:50 | Britain
In a world where Bogeymen roam freely, devouring people randomly and the only creatures they fear are dogs, Olddog tries her best to defend the family home. Does Girl-in-Sack have the determination and savoir-faire to save the day and who or what is the Dog-of-the-Apocalypse?


Als ik de tijd dood pleeg ik (If I Kill Time I Take) – Marc Neys (aka SWOON) | Belgium


A Country Pumpkin in the City – Molly Brown | 4:55 | Britain
Mockumentary about a pumpkin-headed scarecrow who becomes an art dealer.


Fragments of a letter to a child unborn – Maryam Tafakory | 5:00 | Britain
Using gesture and textual fragments, unknown guilt, fear and the strangeness of singular becoming plural are retold as a voiceless, anonymous narrative. Text becomes the body for a hand in an umbilical dilemma, portraying the thoughts of a young woman going through an emotional trauma, facing the taboo of abortion.


Memoires / Memoirs – Marc Neys (aka SWOON) | 3:52 | Belgium
Poetry Film. Words and voice: Paul Snoek. Translation: James S. Holmes. Concept, camera, editing & music: Swoon. Voice Recording: VRT – Flemish Radio- and Television Network. Poem from Gedichten (Tielt/Amsterdam: Atlas, 2006)


The Stream 5 – Hiroya Sakurai | 5:40 | Japan
With the waterway as the theatre, a choreography of water-weeds flows in the water following artificial rules in the man-made rice paddies. Nature is made abstract, giving rise to a new form of beauty distinct from the natural state.


I’m Human – Razan Haikal | 5:33 | Jordan
An experimental animation film about ‘Ensan’ a Syrian who enters through a world of deep emotions carrying the most valuable belongings in a suitcase.


Cape Mongo – Metal – Francois Knoetze | 5:00 | South Africa
, Characters are followed as they journey through the city of Cape Town. Each ‘Mongo’ character is made from the city’s discarded waste – mythical ‘trash creatures’ which have emerged from the growing dumps of consumer culture. The creatures revisit the spaces of their imagined pasts – the locations associated with their material existence and the constitution of their social relations – as if walking against the consumer-driven currents of city.


Re:cycled – James Pomeroy | 5:05 | Canada
An abstract handmade film that is part structuralist/materialist inquiry into the film print as material object and not information bearer made by reusing/recycling/reworking film prints that are not usually seen. It is partially an essay in visual music – a basic vocabulary, established and subjected to various permutations, using repetition, variation and symmetry. The structural approach was inspired by minimalist and serialist musical techniques, specifically Alban Berg’s Violin Concerto.


A Chance Encounter – Justin Pechberty and Samir Hamiche | 4:00 | France
At a street corner in Paris, a young man bumps into himself ten years older.


Mr Snuggles – Richard Anthony Dunford | 2:00 | Britain
A stuffed toy can’t wait to meet his new owner.


Ghostly – Maxime Corbeil-Perron | 6.40 | Canada
Inspired by japanese experimental cinema, Ghostly is a stop-motion animated short film that explores the movement of shadows and lights across space, frame-by-frame.


The . & co – Elsa Philippe | 10:00 | Britain
Following the journey of an average citizen in a bureaucratic-futuristic setting filled with hightech technology beside a smutty aesthetic.


Date At Tate – Molly Brown | 2:07 | Britain
An amusing animation made for the Tate Britain ‘Housewarming Weekend’ launching the chronological rehang of Tate Britain’s British Art Collection.